the elephants Mowgli Mowgli Pip Pip Ojo Knock, knock. Nose, I nose plenty more knock knock jokes! do I have I'm OK. have I said please yo Piglet Big Bird Bert Bert Prarie Dawn Cookie Monster snack I want Knock, knock. Cows go, no silly! Cows go MOO! do I have me please how's it goin'? Have a nice day. I said Ariel Pocahontas Big Bird Ernie Cookie Monster Cookie Monster Oscar The have I said have to say It's a secret have I seen do me Rabbit Rabbit Pooh Ernie Ernie Knock, knock. Nose, I nose plenty more knock knock jokes! Potato Head I said Timon Nala Simba Big Bird Cookie Monster Cookie Monster the Kratts Knock, knock. Nose, I nose plenty more knock knock jokes! Knock, knock. Radio, radi-o not, here I come! me guess again namaste ha ha do I say I have an idea do Piglet the Kratts Chris Martin Martin Zoboo Knock, knock. Cows go, no silly! Cows go MOO! do I have hey! It's a secret Blues Clues Dora Elmo Knock, knock. Nose, I nose plenty more knock knock jokes! it have hey! Big Bird Snuffy The Count the Kratts Martin Knock, knock. Nose, I nose plenty more knock knock jokes! I have an idea I see I have said
Sophie wrote this blog. She and I went through the whole piece to edit. She changed a couple of ideas and said "I'm telling a story"